Men’s Journal Discovers ‘The Great Buffalo Revival’
As the wave of new energy and enthusiasm for our Rust Belt city continues to roll through Buffalo like a steady breeze off of Lake Erie, nowhere is that sense of creativity more prominent than along Buffalo’s waterfront. From the adaptive reuse of the city’s lumbering grain elevators and silos into recreational spaces, towering art galleries and performance venues, to the massive transformation of Canalside, once the hub for ship workers entering the Erie Canal, into an all-season destination for locals and visitors alike, Buffalo is shifting the definition of what imaginative adaptive reuse can be.
Blane Bachelor, freelance writer for Men’s Journal, recently discovered The Great Buffalo Revival for herself.

Photo by Joe Cascio
“Refurbishing old buildings for some newfangled purpose, called adaptive reuse, is a trendy term these days, especially with politicians and planning types. But few places are pulling it off as seamlessly—and charmingly—as Buffalo,” Bachelor writes.
Despite spending a considerable amount of time along Buffalo’s waterfront, Bachelor also had an opportunity to examine architecturally significant restorations at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House.
But any great revival depends on innovative people. And at places like the West Side Bazaar and Las Puertas, Bachelor found that Buffalo’s newest immigrant arrivals possess just as much pride and ambition as the city’s most tenured residents.
You can read the entire article in Men’s Journal here: The Great Buffalo Revival